Advancements in Remote Sensing for Early Detection and Forecasting of Crop Pests and Diseases

The health and productivity of crops are constantly threatened by pests and diseases, posing significant challenges to global food security and agricultural sustainability. Early detection and timely intervention are essential to mitigate the impact of these threats. In recent years, advancements in remote sensing technologies have revolutionized the way we monitor and manage crop pests and diseases. By harnessing the power of satellite imagery, drones, and other remote sensing platforms, researchers and farmers can detect signs of pest infestation and disease outbreaks at early stages, enabling proactive measures to safeguard crop yields and optimize agricultural practices. In this article, we explore the latest advancements in remote sensing for early detection and of crop pests and diseases forecasting, with a focus on their implications for crop outlook.

Advancements in Remote Sensing for Early Detection and Forecasting of Crop Pests and Diseases